New Era University

   About New Era University College
New Era University College (NEUC) was established in 1998 first as a Community College and upgraded to a university college status by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education in 2017 to deliver its degree programmes. It is in Selangor, Malaysia with about 1,500 students and over 100 lecturers

New Era University College:

   Faculties and Departments
There are 3 faculties and 9 different departments at NEUC:

  1. Arts and Social Science
    •   Department of Chinese Language & Literature
    •   Department of Education
    •   Department of Counselling & Guidance

  2. Faculty of Media and Creative Arts
    •   Department of Media Studies
    •   Department of Drama & Visuals
    •   Department of Art & Design

  3. Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    •   Department of Business Studies
    •   Department of Finance & Accounting
    •   Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

NEUC offers the following facilities to quality support teaching and learning to students:

  • State-of-the-art tutorial rooms
  • Lecture Theatres
  • Multi-purpose function rooms
  • Library and Computer Labs
  • Canteen and Dormitory
  • Internet and Wi-Fi
  • Sports and recreation facilities
  • Career Office and International Students Office

   Major Programmes offered at New Era University College
  1. Summer School in English Language Enhancement Courses

    We offer Summer School Courses with boarding facilities on:
    •   English Language Enhancement Courses
    •   Chinese Language Enhancement Courses
    • These are flexible language enhancement courses with various study lengths and can be incorporated with interests and cultural tours

  2. Foundation (pre-University) Studies

    We provide Foundation Studies for students to progress directly to our bachelor’s degree programmes:
    •   Foundation in Art and Design
    •   Foundation in Chinese Communication
    •   Foundation in Business

  3. Bachelor’s Degrees

    We welcome collaborations with other higher education institutions in China on the 2+2 programme model in the following bachelor’s degree programmes:

    Faculty of Arts and Social Science
    •   Chinese Language & Literature
    •   Education (Early Childhood)
    •   Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
    •   Guidance & Counselling Psychology

    Faculty of Media and Creative Arts
    •   Art & Design
    •   Visual Communication

    Faculty of Business and Information Technology
    •   Business Administration
    •   Finance & Accounting
    •   Network Technology
    •   Software Engineering

  4. Validated United Kingdom (UK) Degrees

    NEUC has collaborated with Wrexham Glyndwr University of the UK to deliver the following validated programme:
    •   BA (Hons) Business Administration (Top-up) programme (subject to validation)
    •   BA (Hons) Finance and Accounting (Top-up) programme (subject to validation)

The information contained in this website is correct at the time of printing. NEUC and Unity Learning Institute reserve the right to vary any information in the Website at any time without notice.